Technische Anforderungen Kundenseite (video)
Desktop (OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS)
Safari (only MacOS)
Chrome (only Android)
Safari (only iOS)
Wir unterstützen immer die aktuellste Version von WebRTC fähigen Browsern.
Mikrofon- und Kamerazugriff
Autofokus von Vorteil
Auflösung wie folgt
Minimum Requirements: 320 x 240
Better Experience: 640 x 480
Best Experience: 1280 x 720 and up
Bandbreite mindestens 0,5 Mbit/s (down/up)
In Firmennetzwerken kann es aufgrund der Firewall-Einstellungen zu Einschränkungen kommen, die es in einem haushaltsüblichen Netzwerk nicht gibt. Nachfolgend die Netzwerkanforderungen/Portfreigaben von TokBox, sofern ein Proxy und/oder eine Firewall restriktiv vorgeschaltet ist. Es ist empfohlen, möglichst alle Anforderungen von oben nach unten zu erfüllen. Siehe auch folgende Supportseite:
Minimum Requirement: The minimum Requirement is that TCP port 443 is open. Some firewall/proxy rules only allow for SSL traffic over port 443. You will need to make sure that non-web traffic can also pass over this port. TLS1.2
Better Experience: In addition to the minimum requirements being met, we also recommend that UDP port 3478 is open. TLS1.2
Best Experience: For the best possible experience, we recommend that UDP ports 1025 - 65535 be open. TLS1.2
Outbound TCP, non-SSL web traffic auf dem port 443 und die folgende Domains müssen immer freigegeben sein:
anvil.opentok.comWebSocket: In some situations, WebSocket connections are blocked over port 80. In this case a secure SSL connection using WSS over port 443 should successfully connect. The destinations and ports used by Pusher clients are as follows:
ws:// on port 80
wss:// on port 443Unter folgendem Link kann die Verbindung via TokBox unter Chrome getestet werden:
identity Video
iOS: 13+ (für ältere Modelle mit iOS 9-12 ist im Store unsere Legacy App ohne eID Funktion verfügbar)
Android: 5.0+ (API level 21)
identity autoID
iOS: 11+
Android: 5.0+ (API level 21)
Software/Operating system
Desktop (OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS)
Safari (MacOS only)
Chrome (only Android)
Safari (only iOS)
We are only supposrting the most current version of WebRTC-capable brwoser
microphone and camera enbaled
auto-focus preferred
Resolution requirements
minimum Requirements: 320 x 240
better Experience: 640 x 480
best Experience: 1280 x 720 and up
bandwidth of min. 0,5 Mbit/s (down/up)
In commercial or corporate networks restrictions may apply due to security policiesm which are not present in private networks.
The following are the network requirements/port shares of TokBox, provided that a proxy and/or firewall is restrictively connected upstream. It is recommended to fulfil all requirements if possible. See also the following support page:: Requirement: The minimum Requirement is that TCP port 443 is open. Some firewall/proxy rules only allow for SSL traffic over port 443. You will need to make sure that non-web traffic can also pass over this port. TLS1.2
Better Experience: In addition to the minimum requirements being met, we also recommend that UDP port 3478 is open. TLS1.2
Best Experience: For the best possible experience, we recommend that UDP ports 1025 - 65535 be open. TLS1.2
Outbound TCP, non-SSL web traffic on port 443 and the following domains should be white listed:
anvil.opentok.comWebSocket: In some situations, WebSocket connections are blocked over port 80. In this case a secure SSL connection using WSS over port 443 should successfully connect. The destinations and ports used by Pusher clients are as follows:
ws:// on port 80
wss:// on port 443Via this link a comprehensive check of all connection types can be obtained by using Chrome:
identity Video
iOS: 13+ (older models with iOS 9-12 are only supported with our Legacy App w/o eID functionality)
Android: 5.0+ (API level 21)
identity autoID
iOS: 11+
Android: 5.0+ (API level 21)